Recovery of assets of an investment fund

Project Details

Company Name
Irish investment fund
Fertiliser industry


Investing in private equity and working capital can bear hidden risks. In particular, when the due diligence process was conducted without pass through checks and performed by people lacking the required skills. The project of recovering misappropriated assets is delicate and require a deep understanding of legal and economics aspects, as well as capabilities to negotiate and turn around businesses, from A to Z. The "way back" is not always a straight line. Alternatives, hidden value and choice of the right strategy can bring back the invested money. A balance sheet is often incomplete and the calculation of the value of the asset has to be done considering the best Private Equity expertise. No matter of the jurisdiction, culture, business.



Perform a proper evaluation and turn around the business


- Assets inventory

- Collateral search and activation

- Independent evaluation

- New business strategy



Financial analysis, market analysis

the numbers are key

Balance sheets are often incomplete and not verified by independent auditors. Many assets can be hin and show financials that dot reflect the real value of the company. This can be made on purpose, in order to avoid and delay investments repayments. Assets can be sold under value, to new companies made on purpose.  The investor sitting usually on the other part of the globe has little chance to understand the "in between" the lanes. 

Asset recovery is based on a private equity approach and requires a planned analysis of each aspect of the investment. Starting from bank accounts, over corporate transactions, loans, anything that matters need to be reassessed. 

  • Check all transactions

  • Check all corporate changes

  • Reassess management and market strategy

  • Elaborate a workout plan


Asset recovery is the result of combining existing assets with hidden assets. Business acumen and legal skills are the ingredients.